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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:5,000 ]

He is using his colourful display
to try and seduce the larger female,

who seems unimpressed

Eventually, she concedes

The final event, the transfer
of sperm, is very quick

A singing male humpback whale

Humpbacks are only visitors to the reef

After a pregnancy that
lasted a whole year

the females come here to give birth
and suckle their newly-born young

Their investment in their single
offspring is considerable,

for each female will continue to nurse
it for a further six to twelve months

But the males are here to mate

The lone males sing to establish
their relative seniority

The louder and longer the song,
the bigger and stronger the singer

The better the song,
the larger the male,

the more mating opportunities
he will get

All these different mating
strategies have the same aim,

to ensure that the greatest
possible number of offspring

will live long enough
to breed themselves

Corals also reproduce sexually,
but being fixed to the seabed,

they can't move to find a mate

Somehow, they must synchronise their
sexual activity

and they do so using the rising
water temperatures of Spring

and the phases of the moon

A few days after the full
moon in late Spring,

when tidal currents are
at their weakest,

the corals of the Great Barrier
Reef are ready to spawn

Some corals are male and
release clouds of sperm

Nearby, a female will
be releasing eggs

Other species of coral
are both male and female

These release packages of eggs
already pre-wrapped in sperm

Bundles of eggs and sperm
float to the surface


colourful [ˈkʌləfl] adj. 鲜艳的;生动的;色彩丰富的;富有趣味的 { :5311}

lone [ləʊn] adj. 单身的;独自的;寂寞的;人迹稀少的 n. (Lone)人名;(西、肯)洛内;(丹)隆娜;(缅)伦 {toefl :5377}

bundles [ˈbʌndlz] [解剖] 束 { :5598}

offspring [ˈɒfsprɪŋ] n. 后代,子孙;产物 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5729}

coral [ˈkɒrəl] n. 珊瑚;珊瑚虫 adj. 珊瑚的;珊瑚色的 n. (Coral)人名;(英、法、西、葡)科拉尔 {gk toefl :5793}

corals [ˈkɔrəlz] n. 珊瑚( coral的名词复数 ); 珊瑚虫 { :5793}

reef [ri:f] n. 暗礁;[地质] 矿脉;收帆 vt. 收帆;缩帆 vi. 缩帆;收帆 {cet6 toefl :6352}

spawn [spɔ:n] n. 卵;菌丝;产物 vt. 产卵;酿成,造成;大量生产 vi. 产卵;大量生产 {toefl gre :6476}

sperm [spɜ:m] n. 精子;精液;鲸蜡油 { :6966}

tidal [ˈtaɪdl] adj. 潮汐的;潮的,有关潮水的;定时涨落的 n. (Tidal)人名;(瑞典)蒂达尔 { :8579}

seduce [sɪˈdju:s] vt. 引诱;诱惑;诱奸;怂恿 {toefl :8606}

seniority [ˌsi:niˈɒrəti] n. 长辈;老资格;前任者的特权 { :14419}

unimpressed [ˌʌnɪmˈprest] adj. 无印记的(没有印象的);未受感动的 { :15242}

synchronise ['sɪŋkrənaɪz] vt. 使同步;使同时发生(等于synchronize) vi. 同步;同时发生 { :21008}

suckle [ˈsʌkl] vt. 给…哺乳;吮吸;养育 vi. 吃奶 { :21460}

humpback [ˈhʌmpbæk] n. 驼背;座头鲸 { :21537}

humpbacks [ˈhʌmpbæks] n. 驼背( humpback的名词复数 ) { :21537}

seabed [ˈsi:bed] n. 海底;海床 {toefl :23196}

barrier reef [ˈbæriə ri:f] n. 堡礁(近海岸的珊瑚礁) [网络] 堤礁;障壁礁;珊瑚群

Great Barrier Reef [ ] n. 【地,旅】大堡礁 [网络] 澳大利亚的大堡礁;大栅栏礁;澳大利亚大堡礁

humpback (whale) [ ] 大鳍鲸

humpback whale [ˈhʌmpbæk hweil] n. 【动】座头鲸 [网络] 驼背鲸;大翅鲸;驼背鲸鱼

lone male [ ] 孤独雄;独居雄

the great barrier reef [ ] [网络] 大堡礁;澳大利亚;去大堡礁

the seabed ['si:bed] n. 海底;海床

tidal current [ ] na. 潮流 [网络] 潮汐流;潮流海流;本局有无潮流

tidal currents [ ] n. 潮流 [网络] 潮汐流

to breed [ ] 配种

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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